MOP-TST2 Single/Dual/Quad Operational Amplifier Test/Compares Module PCB


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Essential product in any electronics lab
With this PCB Module you can test Single or Dual or Quad Operational Amplifiers
Now you can Compares Performance of Real Original OP AMP and find the Fake/Copy Chinese Parts
What it can do and how:
Test the Amplification (Connect Audio Signal or Signal Generator)
Test all parameters with Oscilloscope Like bandwidth etc.
RCA Input / Output Connector Make the process very easy
Test Procedure Single or Dual or Quad (not together)
On Board Gold Plate Genuine 8,14 Pin Augat IC Sockets 
Working Voltage :
Dual DC Power Supply +17v 0 -17v dc (MAX +20v 0 -20v)
PCB Size: 
 84mm*77mm double-sided HAL,FR4 1.6MM
Applications: OP AMP TEST
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